An ode to canary yellow feathers

I saw these and fell head over heels. I checked the price and couldn't believe they were just Rs 80! I wore them with many many many different outfits and simply loved the feeling of carrying around two drops of sunshine all day. Unfortunately, on a very windy day on a boat, one of these beauties flew away from me. I was devastated. But I'm hanging on to the single earring that I do have left, determined to re-live the memories associated with it for a while yet. So, this is my ode to my lost canary yellow feather earring...

Dear Canary Yellow Feather Earring,

- You were the much-hyped pop of colour that really did work. You brightened up my face when I wore navy, grey or black.

- You were the quickest way to upgrade a meh uninsipired look on to a cute one. I think you might even have de-aged me a bit (or is that just wishful thinking!)

- You were the perfect antidote to a depressing day, otherwise known as any day I didn't feel like slapping on concealer with a shovel to hide my dark circles.

- You were the lightest things I have ever worn in my ears. My ears were achingly grateful for the break from danglers that feel like rocks.

- You could be used to dress up my everyday jeans & cotton tops by matching you to my yellow handbag, or dress down a dressy dress by making you my single accessory.

- You were pretty and soft, girly and yummy coloured. In other words, a great example of cute chic!

So, your lonesome twin will hang in my accessories drawer, a bright little feathery bit, that will always bring to mind your legacy to me - a reminder forever of sunny days..   

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